Kiss,  2009
Private, 2009
Trains, 2009
My Anak, 2009
My Boys, 2009
Kiss,  2009
Kiss, 2009

Media elements: embroidery hoops, dog vertebrae, poster, tulle, mannequin, bar stool, books, doily, telephone receiver

Private, 2009
Private, 2009

Mixed media installation detail

Trains, 2009
Trains, 2009

Mixed media installation detail

My Anak, 2009
My Anak, 2009

Mixed media installation detail. This particular installation was done in collaboration post-humously with my dear friend the Artist Romel Padilla. His work is the “black panel” which is videotape woven into a traditional Pilipino banig pattern.. The videotapes are interviews conducted by Romel with patients who had HIV and their mothers while in a hospital waiting room.

My Boys, 2009
My Boys, 2009

Mixed media installation detail